Is your usual routine not working anymore?
Hi, I'm Rebecca Hills and I'm here to help
As you progress through life, your usual diet and lifestyle habits that have always kept you feeling happy and healthy may not work so well anymore.
Life and family priorities and commitments can become harder to juggle, making it increasingly hard to put your own needs first.
If this sounds like you, I can help you to take care of yourself with nutritional therapy.
Ready to work with me?

We're a perfect match if you...
Lack the energy you used to have
Have put on
weight and don't
know why*
*or perhaps you do know why!
Have trouble
with digestion
Have lost interest
in living healthily and eating well
Don't feel yourself but can't put a finger on why
Often feel anxious, stressed or down
Suspect that your hormones are out of whack (perhaps menopausal or menstrual)
Have trouble getting a good night's sleep
Have a specific health concern that you'd like help
to manage
Fear change, perhaps because things that you've tried before
haven't worked
Have a busy
life and need
easy solutions
Lack staying power with health goals and need help to be accountable

You can be healthier as you get older
It's easy to think of declining health when we think of aging, but actually it's not as inevitable as you imagine.
'Biological age' is determined by assessing a person's physical and mental functions and, unlike your actual age (or 'chronological age'), it can be controlled. You can slow down, and even reverse, your biological age with diet and lifestyle changes.
And, don't forget, in many ways your life may already be healthier than when you were younger – less frequent binge drinking, a more regular routine, and better awareness of your body and its needs (perhaps!). So, you may already be partway there, even though you may not feel as though you are.
I believe in helping people to take care of themselves so that getting older means being more healthy, not less.
Ready to work with me?