Community work
My community work aligns with my core value of welcoming everyone equally and doing my best to ensure that everyone has access to my services

Midlife nutrition drop-in
First Tuesday of the month, midday until 1.30pm at Easton Community Centre, Bristol BS5 6AW.
These monthly drop-ins are an opportunity for local people to ask me anything about their eating habits!

Food Ambassador for the Lawrence Hill Food Forum
Selected by a panel of local people and organisations in and around Lawrence Hill, I help people in the local community to access food and nutrition knowledge.
The Lawrence Hill Food Forum supports me to run local food and nutrition events.
The first event will be around women's health in midlife. Watch this space for more details.

Practitioner at the Community Complementary Clinic at the Wellspring Healthy Living Centre
I offer reduced-cost consultations to local residents in the Barton Hill area of Bristol.
Held at the ​Wellspring Site, Beam Street, BS5 9QY.